Privacy policy

Privacy Policy, Database, and Direct Mailing

  1. The personal information provided by the user on the website, including through registration forms and any other data provided, collected, or processed based on these details, and any information about the user that has been or will be known to the company in the course of using the site ("User Information"), shall be subject to the company's Privacy Policy as detailed below. In this policy, the term "User Information" includes all personal information collected by the company or provided to it by you or on your behalf, through which you can reasonably be identified, and/or information protected under the Privacy Protection Law, 1981 ("Privacy Protection Law"), including, but not limited to, first name, last name, ID number, residential address, phone number, date of birth, email address, ordered products, location identification, areas of interest, payment methods, additional information provided during contact, and correspondence address with the company, etc..
  1. The company will not disclose user information except in each of the cases detailed below.:
  • (a) If required to do so by court order or by law..
  • (b) If it receives notice of legal proceedings against it regarding actions taken by the user and/or on their behalf, in any dispute, claim, demand, or legal proceedings, if any, between the user and the company..
  • (c) If the company organizes its activities within another entity or merges with another entity, or merges its activities with those of another entity, the company may transfer user information to the aforementioned entity, provided that the other entity agrees to abide by the provisions of this Privacy Policy..
  • (d) If the company alleges or suspects that the user (including on their behalf) has engaged in actions or omissions that harm or may harm the company, its affiliates, or any third parties..
  • (e) If the company alleges or suspects that the user has used the information to facilitate, assist, or encourage the commission of an unlawful act..
  • (f) If the company alleges or suspects that the user has violated any terms of the Terms of Service and/or any agreement with the company or its affiliates..
  • (g) If and to the extent necessary for the operation of the company, such as transferring information to employees, subcontractors, including other entities involved in the operation of the website. The user shall have no claim or demand against the company regarding the disclosure of their information as stated, and shall not claim retroactively that their consent was not given for this matter. Furthermore, without detracting from the above, the user agrees that the company may transfer, at its discretion, user information outside the borders of Israel, even if the laws of that jurisdiction provide different levels of protection compared to Israeli law..
  1. By filling out the registration form or using the website and its services, the user agrees that their personal information will be stored in one or more databases of the company and/or its affiliates, and that the user's information will be used for the following purposes::
  • (a) For the operation of the website and provision of services to users, including for the purpose of contacting the user when the company deems it necessary for providing the services..
  • (b) For marketing, advertising, sales promotion purposes, and sales, including contacting the user through any means of communication deemed appropriate (including written communication, print, telephone, text message, fax, electronic means, or any other method), subject to obtaining consent as required by law..
  • (c) For purposes of loyalty encouragement, statistical analysis and research (including providing non-identifiable statistical data or aggregates to third parties), conducting surveys, and any other online use related to marketing topics..
  • (d) For internal purposes, such as investigating complaints and/or reviews, and for communication when the Company deems it necessary for the provision of services or delivery of products, or for compliance with other legal requirements..
  • (e) To fulfill the Company's obligations under the law and/or as required by authorities and/or courts. Use of user information for these purposes shall not be considered a breach of privacy..
  1. It is not legally required for the user to provide their personal details to the company (however, without providing them, they will not be able to use all or part of the site's services), and the user's agreement to provide their personal details is voluntary and with their consent. The user explicitly agrees to the use of their personal details as stated above, and agrees that such use shall not be considered an invasion of privacy by the company or its affiliates..
  2. ChatGPT "The website may use "cookies.” (Cookies) For its ongoing and proper operation, including collecting statistical data about site usage, verifying details, and for information security purposes, the company may also utilize-Cookies Their source lies in third parties, in which Google Analytics Social networks intended for displaying advertisements for products or services based on various online activities of the user across the internet, websites, and other services you visited, etc. Cookies. (Cookies) They are text files that the browser creates based on commands from the website's computers or third-party computers. Some cookies expire when you close the browser, while others are stored on the hard drive of your device. Cookies can contain various information such as the pages you visited, the duration of your time on the site, how you arrived at the site, information you requested to see when entering the site, and more. Modern browsers include options to prevent Cookies If you don't know how to do this, check the browser's help files you are using to find out how to disable cookie options. Disabling cookies may prevent you from using some of the services and features on the website or other websites..
  1. Some of the information collected about users during their use of the website or interaction with the company is non-personally identifiable and is not stored together with user details. This is statistical and/or aggregated information. For example, advertisements viewed by the user on the site, pages visited, offers and services of interest, and internet address. (IP) The company may use the information mentioned above without the user's consent (including transferring the information to third parties), at its discretion, and within the framework of such use the user's identity will not be disclosed without their consent and/or contrary to this privacy policy..
  2. ChatGPT Under the Privacy Protection Law, every individual is entitled to access their own information held in a database, either directly or by a proxy authorized in writing or by a legal guardian. If a person reviews their information and finds it inaccurate, incomplete, unclear, or outdated, they have the right to request the owner of the database to correct or delete it. If the owner of the database refuses, they must inform the requester in accordance with regulations. In case of refusal to allow access or notification of refusal to correct or delete information, the data subject may appeal according to procedures specified in the regulations. Such inquiries should be directed to the company via email[email protected]

Protection of confidentiality and information security

  1. The company does not store credit card numbers in its computers..
  2. The stringent security regulations that the website complies with are intended to protect consumers, merchants, and credit companies.The implementation of PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). significantly enhances the security level and therefore contributes to fostering trust among online payment card users..
  3. HTTPSSSL All communication between the browser (at the client's end) and the website (i.e., the server hosting the pages) is encrypted so that the transmitted information cannot be deciphered. In other words, the 'security' ensured is the encryption of the data. Encryption is a method of 'scrambling' designed to deceive malicious parties and is performed with two partners: the sender scrambles and the receiver decrypts. The scrambling method is based on mathematical functions, and what is unique about this method is that one key on the client's side is sufficient to scramble.
  4. In cases beyond its control and/or due to force majeure, the company shall not be liable for any damage of any kind, indirect or direct, caused to the user and/or any third party, if information is lost, reaches unauthorized parties, or is used without permission..
  5. The company strives to provide the user with a proper and high-quality service. However, the company does not guarantee that the service on the website will not be disrupted, provided as usual or without interruptions, conducted securely and error-free, or immune from unauthorized access to the company's computers operating the website. This includes damages, malfunctions, faults, or failures - including hardware, software, or communication lines to the website - whether by the company or its providers..
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